昨年末、笑った事があった。知合いの韓国人映画監督YMKこと、Young Man Kangの新作”The Last Eve”がアメリカの映画雑誌Film Threatの「2005年観た事も聞いた事もない映画ベスト10」で、見事ナンバー1に輝いた。ちなみに日本の映画雑誌「映画秘宝」はこれをパクってる。2位は昨夏観たGregの糞映画”Mad Cowgirl”。しかし何なんだろうね、この雑誌は。いつもYMKとかGregの映画を誉め讃えるんだけど、俺の見識ではヤツらの映画はどうしようもねぇ糞映画としか認識出来ないんだけどさ。何であそこまで持ち上げるのか、不思議でしょうがない。商品として一般公開されず、聞いた事もない映画祭でしか上映されてない。マジにジャーナリストとして見識を疑うよな。数年前にYMKがこの映画を作る為に、俺に金の工面をしてくれと来た。勿論、即答で断った。コイツの映画はどれも糞だから、金になるわけが無い。で、俺はYMKにJamesを紹介してやった。2人は打ち解けたようで、何とJamesが出資を名乗り出たのには驚いた。以降、JamesはYMKの”Soapgirl”や"Death Valley Diary"の製作にも参加。"The Last Eve"は製作に3年近くかかりようやく昨秋NYで行われた聞いた事もない映画祭でグランプリ。Jamesにそのリンクを送ると、「笑った」だとよ。Jamesも今やってる”Alibi”を見せれば、間違いなく絶賛されるだろうね。YMKは悪いヤツじゃないんだが、監督としての才能はゼロ。知合いのプロデューサー曰く「アマチュア」と一蹴。俺も同感。悪いヤツじゃないが、近づかない様にしてる。
"The Last Eve" is a film that takes the audience on an emotional adventure through history. In a way never before seen. The story of Eve is shown from front to back. We start in the future and ride all the way back to the loss of all innocence. Our journey through time shows us three contrasting tales (Cain & Abel, Snake's Temptation, Eve's Secret) which in their own unique way reveal the dark tragedies at the heart of all romance:
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
Another Hole in the Head Film Festival, San Francisco
Journeying backwards through history while telling, re-telling and re-imagining the story of Adam, Eve and that pesky snake (with a distinctively Buddhist spin on the proceedings - and New Testament quotations appear in a series of intertitles). The Last Eve consists of three contrasting tales (Eve's Secret, Cain & Abel, Snake's Temptation) which reveal the dark tragedies at the heart of all romance, the temptations of the flesh and the spirit, the loss of innocence - and amazingly choreographed old-school martial arts mayhem. Filmed in Death Valley and South Korea, Kang's film is (as you may imagine) quite a weird ride, and will surely find a cult following as it is seen more widely.
If an unclassifiable genre-bending, time-travelling, religious epic with kick-ass Muay Thai fighting, sexy evil seductresses, severed genitals, planetary death by comet, kung-fu demons, and the baby Jesus shows up at our doorstep - we simply have to play it.
- Another Hole in the Head Film Festival, San Francisco -
Thursday, May 11, 2006
"The Last Eve" @ Another Hole In The Head Film Festival
"The Last Eve" @ Another Hole In The Head Film Festival on June 9 & 14
"The Last Eve" has been selected at the 2006 Another Hole in the Head Film Festival in San Francisco. The event takes place June 8-15 at SFs Roxie Film Center (16th Street at Valencia).
Screens on Friday June 9th at 4:45pm & Wednesday, June 14th at 9:30pm
Best Action Feature Film
2005 New York Independent Film Festival
Best Cinematography
2006 B Movie Film Festival
"The Last Eve" can be described as the world's first avant-garde theological martial arts love story. Taking the story of Western civilization's first eviction recipients and spinning it across a bizarre variety of unlikely landscapes, the immensely gifted filmmaker Young Man Kang has brought forth a production which is so astonishing and original than it is impossible to compare it to anything that has ever been made." - Film Threat -
If an unclassifiable genre-bending, time-travelling, religious epic with kick-ass Muay Thai fighting, sexy evil seductresses, severed genitals, planetary death by comet, kung-fu demons, and the baby Jesus shows up at our doorstep - we simply have to play it.
Journeying backwards through history while telling, re-telling and re-imagining the story of Adam, Eve and that pesky snake (with a distinctively Buddhist spin on the proceedings - and New Testament quotations appear in a series of intertitles). "The Last Eve" consists of three contrasting tales (Eve's Secret, Cain & Abel, Snake's Temptation) which reveal the dark tragedies at the heart of all romance, the temptations of the flesh and the spirit, the loss of innocence - and amazingly choreographed old-school martial arts mayhem. Filmed in Death Valley and South Korea, Kang's film is (as you may imagine) is quite a weird ride, and will surely find a cult following as it is seen more widely. Catch it here while you can at the 2006 Another Hole in the Head Film Festival in San Francisco.
"The Last Eve" has been selected at the 2006 Another Hole in the Head Film Festival in San Francisco. The event takes place June 8-15 at SFs Roxie Film Center (16th Street at Valencia).
Screens on Friday June 9th at 4:45pm & Wednesday, June 14th at 9:30pm
Best Action Feature Film
2005 New York Independent Film Festival
Best Cinematography
2006 B Movie Film Festival
"The Last Eve" can be described as the world's first avant-garde theological martial arts love story. Taking the story of Western civilization's first eviction recipients and spinning it across a bizarre variety of unlikely landscapes, the immensely gifted filmmaker Young Man Kang has brought forth a production which is so astonishing and original than it is impossible to compare it to anything that has ever been made." - Film Threat -
If an unclassifiable genre-bending, time-travelling, religious epic with kick-ass Muay Thai fighting, sexy evil seductresses, severed genitals, planetary death by comet, kung-fu demons, and the baby Jesus shows up at our doorstep - we simply have to play it.
Journeying backwards through history while telling, re-telling and re-imagining the story of Adam, Eve and that pesky snake (with a distinctively Buddhist spin on the proceedings - and New Testament quotations appear in a series of intertitles). "The Last Eve" consists of three contrasting tales (Eve's Secret, Cain & Abel, Snake's Temptation) which reveal the dark tragedies at the heart of all romance, the temptations of the flesh and the spirit, the loss of innocence - and amazingly choreographed old-school martial arts mayhem. Filmed in Death Valley and South Korea, Kang's film is (as you may imagine) is quite a weird ride, and will surely find a cult following as it is seen more widely. Catch it here while you can at the 2006 Another Hole in the Head Film Festival in San Francisco.
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